Monday, October 12, 2009

Good Morning!

Good Morning Gamers! This week we'll be gearing up more Halloween themed games, and doing some Amazon orders. Still no word what so ever from Wizards of the Coast, who seem blindly determined to hurt themselves and their game by not even communicating. It's a sickness in their culture, that they see game stores as the enemy. The Marketplace always works to the advantage of the buyer when free market principles are employed. When Wizards meddles with free market principles, and begins trying to control things, it will NEVER WORK. It simply doesn't. Yes, they have a monopoly on Magic the Gathering, but they don't have a monopoly on GAMES. And that is where they are going to hurt themselves. The more they try to control things... the more star systems will slip through their fingers.

And as they start to lose things, instead of letting go they are going to grab on even tighter and spiral out of control.

Witness how large they grew when they put out 3.0 D&D in an OPEN environment letting everyone hop on board and letting competition reign! Now witness how their 'control' has hurt them. It's simply short sighted. And in a recession as their bottom line is smaller and smaller, they probably are AFRAID. And instead of being bold and fearless, they are terrified and terrorizing those people, like you and me, who have the most to offer to new Magic Players and the Community.

I'm the LAST person you want to stop selling Magic, and that's exactly who they just shut down. It makes absolutely no sense. The arrogance, the pride, that leads to such a decision is incredible to fathom. And in a gaming universe, where we are all suppose to be on the same side. Ego run crazy. It will all crash on them, and that's a BAD and SAD thing. Wizards of the Coast has long been an icon and a beacon to gamers.

Witness again how open things are at Magic the with Mark Rosewater talking so openly about design. And then you have Steve and his folk over on the Internet side close things up, not talking, not answering emails. It's NUTS.

Well, there ARE other games! We'll keep in touch this week! Write if you have any thoughts!


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